The Rules To Follow
While the rules of surveys may vary significantly, the following rules are the most common, and you'll find them in pretty much every survey out there. Make sure to check them out below:
- Using Virtual Private Networks: The fact is that not all surveys are available in all countries. However, there's a strong reason for this - because in some cases, providers will want answers from people that come from specific countries. Using VPN will certainly not give them what they want, which is why it's strictly prohibited and may lead to getting banned from offer wall and Freecash.
- Giving false answers: Some users complete the surveys as quickly as possible, by providing false answers. This can be identified and sanctioned by the survey providers.
- Completing surveys multiple times: Every time you visit a page, you leave your traces behind with your IP address. This way, survey providers can easily track you, so if you try to complete the survey multiple times - you can get banned.
- Using an adblocker: Adblockers will interfere with the survey provider, and it will increase your chance of getting disqualified, which is why you should turn it off while completing surveys.
In addition to these rules above, always make sure to follow any other rules specific to that survey, and do not try to cheat the system in any way. Doing so will certainly get you banned eventually, so it's absolutely not worth doing.
Bonus Tips
Following the rules is very important, but there also are a few tips you could use while completing your surveys; taking them into consideration could raise the chances for you to get credited so consider them and read carefully:
- It’s important to elaborate on your answers, the survey providers always read your answers very carefully, and you could get credited more quickly if your answers are elaborated. Elaborating on them helps the survey providers as they have more information that they want to get from you. Always avoid giving short answers or answers with information that isn’t related to what you are getting asked for.
- Take the surveys slowly; do not rush, or else they could disqualify you. The survey providers can check how long you take to reply to each of the answers. If you do that, you’re indirectly telling them that you are not reading the questions carefully; they want you to read the questions correctly and think very well about what you will reply to each of them. Some people try to rush surveys thinking they will complete fewer surveys in less time hence earning more money in shorter periods of time, but the truth is that if you try to do it this way, you will earn even less than if you took the surveys slowly and with patience.
- If the survey provider you use has a profile system, always update your profile whenever there is any change. If your profile doesn’t match the answers you give on the surveys, you could get disqualified, so keep it updated always to get credited.