Cashout Earn
$200k Event


To celebrate $20,000,000 paid out, we have teamed up with
Stake to create this free $500,000 World Cup Event. $250,000
Will be given away in Free Bets, and $250,000 in Ball Bets.

Only the first 90 minutes of play count toward your bet. The first 90 minutes include any time added by the referee before the final whistle of the second half
Betting Days
Available bets
Placed bets
Only the first 90 minutes of play count toward your bet. The first 90 minutes include any time added by the referee before the final whistle of the second half
Available bets
Placed bets
Only the first 90 minutes of play count toward your bet. The first 90 minutes include any time added by the referee before the final whistle of the second half
Time left
Possible $ Win
Placed bets:
Total balls bet:

Go to the event affiliate page to invite your friends and win 5% of however much they win. Build your team now

Go to the event affiliate page to invite your friends and win 5%
of however much they win. Build your team now

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