Cashout Earn Rewards Chat FAQ Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is is a GPT (Get-Paid-To) site that partners with some of the best offerwall and market research companies out there to provide you with the best offers and surveys that can be done in your spare time to earn coins. These coins can be used towards gift cards, CS:GO skins, cryptocurrencies, and much more.

  • ID + selfie verification

    We are currently rolling out a new verification process for our users. If your account has been banned or frozen, you now have the opportunity to unban or unfreeze it by completing an ID verification. In the future, this verification will also grant access to exclusive offers. To complete the process, you'll need a functioning webcam or a smartphone.
    If your request to unban is under review, our team will initiate the verification for you. Please note that Freecash reserves the right to maintain bans or account freezes even after successful verification, based on our review.
    For any additional questions or if you need assistance with the verification process, our support team is always available to help.

  • What are coins? How do I redeem them?

    Coins are the virtual currency of, used to represent your current balance on the site. 1000 coins is equal to $1.00 US Dollar. Once you have earned enough coins, you can redeem them for an item of your choice through the shop!

  • How do I get started?

    Signing up is simple! You have the choice of logging in using your Steam and Google accounts. Alternatively, you can just sign up for using your email. As soon as you’ve signed up, head over to our Earn page, where you can find a wide variety of offerwalls to complete offers from.

  • Do you own all the offerwalls on this site?

    No, however, we partnered with many of the biggest offerwall companies to ensure you get the best offers to complete possible. Freecash serves as a middleman - the gateway to all the best offers out there for you to earn from.

  • Are surveys safe?

    You can rest assured that all surveys on this site are safe to complete. All provided data is reported in aggregate, meaning all data you provide is anonymized. The survey providers also take many measures to ensure that all surveys are secure. Furthermore, we at Freecash are also not able to see anything you write on the surveys you complete, so only the people administering the survey can view this info and treat it with the utmost confidence.

  • My released offer was not credited - why?

    Offers will be released within 24h after the release timer ran out. If you still have issues 48 hours after the release date please do not hesitate to contact our support.

  • How long do withdrawals take to process?

    Most withdrawals typically take 5-10 minutes to process. If you are withdrawing PayPal from the shop, expect to receive it within 24 hours. Verified users can expect to receive their coins instantly - at 50,000 coins a day (except for PayPal withdrawals, due to the nature of PayPal needing to be manually processed by our staff team.)

  • Where do I find my gift card codes?

    You can find your gift card codes in the Withdrawals section of your profile, under the “Transaction ID” column.

  • Why are my CS:GO skin withdrawals failing?

    You will want to make sure of the following:
    ✅ Your Steam trade URL is correct
    ✅ Your Steam inventory is set to “Public”
    ✅ Your Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator is setup and running for 15+ days
    ✅ Steam did not place any restrictions on your account. These prerequisites are needed in order to facilitate a
    smooth skin withdrawal process.

  • How to find your steam trade URL?

    You may need your steam trade link on Here is how to find it:
    1. Go to your Steam Profile.
    2. Click on Inventory.
    3. Once being on your Steam Inventory, click on Trade Offers in the upper right corner.
    4. Go to "Who can send me Trade Offers".
    Here is an illustrated guide on how to find your steam trade link, if you encounter problems:

  • What is the best way to earn coins?

    You can earn coins by completing the app offers and surveys that are available on Want to complete app offers? AdGem and AdGate currently have the best app offers as of right now. Prefer taking surveys? Check out RevenueWall and YourSurveys, since they have the most lucrative surveys to complete. As always feel free to explore our wide variety of offerwalls and see which one suits you best.

  • Does this require spending money?

    You do not need to spend cash to earn coins. A few offers will require making a purchase, however you can always choose to avoid these types of offers.

  • It seems like I finished the survey, but I got less coins than the amount that was promised.

    You may have gotten disqualified. Certain survey offerwalls may decide to award you a small sum of coins, known as sympathy payouts, as a “thank you” for trying out the survey.

  • Where can you complete surveys?

    You can complete surveys on your PC and mobile devices! Find surveys to complete on the Earn page of Freecash - our roster of survey offerwalls include RevenueWall, Your-Surveys, TheoremReach, and AdGate

  • AdGem has a survey offer that credits 6000 coins. I successfully completed the survey but got less than that amount.

    This particular offer has specified their payout in a misleading fashion, giving off the impression that this is a flat-rate survey that will award 6000 coins. In reality, this offer will only award anywhere from 0-6000 coins. This is not a flat rate survey.

  • The Survey I Completed Did Not Award Me My Coins.

    This may be due to one of three possibilities:
    • Bad survey design. A survey may have been scripted poorly by its maintainers, resulting in surveys not being able to credit and not appearing in your completion history.
    • Last-minute disqualification. A survey may have a poor, inefficiently designed screening mechanism, resulting in disqualifications to happen at the end of the survey rather than during the screening process.
    • Delayed crediting. You may want to check and see if the survey you completed appears in the survey offerwall’s completion history. If it does, give it a couple of minutes and if all else fails, you should contact the offerwall support to assist you with crediting.

  • I completed an app offer as per their requirements, however I did not get credited.

    You may not receive your coins instantaneously after completing an app offer. Give the offerwalls at least 24 hours to let them review all the completed offers and release the coins accordingly. If it is been more than 24 hours, it is best advised to contact the offerwalls.

  • Why Am I Getting No Surveys?

    Survey availability depends on many factors including, but not limited to: your current location and the current day of the week. If you meet any of these conditions, you may encounter limited availability of surveys:
    • You live outside of the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom.
    • You are trying to complete surveys on the weekends, where availability will generally be limited.
    • Furthermore, the survey offerwalls might have shadow-banned you if they suspect you completed their surveys in a fraudulent manner.

  • How do I improve my chances of successfully completing a survey?

    Provide good quality information, answer the questions based on the survey topic in a relevant fashion, and stay consistent with the information you provide!

  • What's my quality score?

    The quality score, used by Your-Surveys and RevenueWall increases as you complete more surveys successfully. As your quality score increases over time, you will also see an improvement in the payout of the survey offers you receive.

  • Why Did I Get Disqualified?

    Don’t worry - it’s nothing personal! It just means that you did not fit the demographic requirements that the organization hosting the survey is looking for. Surveys look for certain demographics of people, such as certain income brackets, locations, ages, and so forth.

  • The surveys are acting glitchy.

    This is oftentimes caused by a buildup of old cookies, cache, and other browsing data within your web browser (whether it be Chrome, Safari, Edge, Firefox, etc.) which can interfere with various site functionality and your ability to complete your offers. It’s best advised to clear your browser cookies, cache, and other relevant data to ensure you are able to complete surveys without any hiccups.

  • What is a chargeback?

    A chargeback occurs when an advertiser declines credit for a previously rewarded offer. If a user has multiple chargebacks in a short time period, their account may be terminated. To prevent chargebacks, it is important to follow both our, and the advertiser's terms of service.

  • Why do advertisers chargeback?

    The most common reasons for chargebacks are due to users repeating offers or users who have completed offers fraudulently. Typically, offers completed only once and via your local internet will be safe from any chargebacks.

  • What does ‘removed’ and ‘covered by Freecash’ mean?
    In your profile, there are two different chargeback statuses.
    1. Removed means a held offer was either cancelled or coins were removed from your account. Cancelled offers typically have no penalty, but cannot be released.
    2. Covered by Freecash means an offer was declined and a chargeback occurred, but Freecash covered the chargeback and no coins will be deducted from your balance.
  • Why do you direct your users to manually contact the offerwall? Why can’t you guys contact the offerwalls on behalf of the users?

    Although we really wish we can save you the hassle and communicate to the offerwalls on behalf of you, we ultimately cannot do that as this is considered by the offerwalls to be fraudulent. Therefore, the user will have to represent themselves. The best we can do is assist the user in the actions they should take towards contacting the offerwall support.

  • Contact Ayet

    Within the offerwall, click on the menu button on the top left: In the menu that follows, click “Reward Status”: Enter the “Pending” tab, and then click on the offer that you have concerns about: Scroll down to “Support”, then click on “Submit support ticket.” You should then be taken to the AyeT Studios contact page, which opens up in a new tab. Provide your Email, explain your situation with detail and include screenshots if possible.

  • Contact CPX Research

    Within the offerwall, click on the menu button at the top left. Then click on “Help.” Finally, scroll all the way down to where it says “Create a New Ticket.” Provide your details, explain your situation with detail, then press “Submit.”

  • Contact OfferToro

    Click on “My Coins” at the top right of OfferToro. Then click on “Missing Coins” for the offer you are concerned about.

  • Contact RevU

    Click on “Support” icon at the top right of the RevU popup to contact the support.

  • Contact AdGem

    Click on “Reward” at the top left of the offerwall.

  • Contact YourSurveys

    Within YourSurveys, press “Support” at the top. From there, you can start a new ticket.

  • Contact AdGate

    Click the “Support” button at the top right of the offerwall: Then click the “Contact” button beside the offer in question.

  • Contact RevenueWall

    Scroll down to the bottom of RevenueWall, then press “Contact Us”. Fill out the form explaining your situation, then press “Submit”.

  • Contact Lootably

    Click the “Support” button at the top right of the offerwall: Alternatively, please write an email to [email protected]

  • What should I tell the offerwall support?

    You should write in your support ticket the issues you are having with a particular offer not crediting. Try to be specific and detailed! The more details provided, the better the likelihood of your support ticket being honored. Also, if possible, attach screenshot proof that you reached the requirements needed to complete the offer.

  • The offerwall’s support has not responded to me for a while now.

    Offerwall supports can take a while to respond, and they will respond on typical business days (Monday-Friday) only. Although we wish we could speed up the process somehow, you will ultimately have to wait for a response from the offerwall. It is ultimately their discretion as to how they will respond, since we do not own these offerwalls but rather they are our partners.

  • I live in a country that does not have good offers. Can I use a VPN to access better surveys?

    No, VPN usage towards completing surveys is strictly prohibited in Freecash, as per the Terms of Service. Completing offers on a VPN is highly frowned upon by the survey panel companies and constitutes fraudulent completion of offers. As a result, the risk of chargebacks increases. The usage of VPN software to complete offers will result in the termination of your Freecash account.

  • Can I complete app offers on a mobile device emulator like BlueStacks?

    No. This will result in a ban from Freecash as completing app offers on an emulator constitutes a fraudulent completion of an offer. Consider picking up a cheap burner device to complete offers on!

  • How do I get verified on

    Verifications occur in batches every few months or so. You get placed in line for verification as soon as you reach level 50 - it’s only a matter of waiting from here on out. It’s worth noting that being active in the chat and earning frequently will improve your verification speed.

  • Why is my balance in the negatives (-)?

    Your survey completions may have been rejected by the survey panel companies as part of their review process. These reviews are conducted every few months, and if the panel company deems that a completion doesn’t meet their data standards, it will be rejected, triggering chargebacks on our end. These chargebacks will happen even if your balance is taken into a negative amount.

Still have any questions?
Contact our on-site support
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